WAYS TO GIVE (Donations can be brought to the main foyer and put in the storage cabinet on the south wall.):
ALUMINUM PULL TABS - Pop tabs are collected and then donated monthly to the Ronald McDonald House Charities in Wichita.
EYEGLASSES - If you have used eyeglasses you no longer need, you can donate them now. Donated glasses are given to Valley Center’s Lions Club. Lions accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses and plastic and metal frames. Children's glasses are especially needed.
FUMCVC’s Friendship Fund – Funds are used to provide financial help to those in the church and sometimes the community.
PLASTIC BAGS - Plastic grocery bags are used at Main Street Threads.
VALLEY CENTER MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE (VCMA) – is a cooperative ministry of the Bible preaching churches in Valley Center, KS. The participating churches working in unity to connect and support our community through outreaches, benevolence, and promoting each other’s ministries.
WANDS FOR WILDLIFE - Wands for Wildlife is a volunteer-run 501c3 nonprofit inspiring people to help wildlife and the environment through re-purposing discarded mascara wands. The organization engages people in ways to support wildlife caregivers and encourages greater mindfulness of the impact from human activities, including the use of plastics, on the environment. Used mascara wands (dirty or clean) are needed.
WICHITA CHILDREN’S HOME OPPORTUNITY ZONE (OZ) - Cosmetic bags and toiletries are collected and then donated to OZ. OZ is exclusively for homeless and youth in crisis. Youth who come are able to have access to food, hygiene supplies, clothing, showers, laundry, computers and most importantly, a place of SAFETY—anything to help make their situation less desperate. Youth can meet with S.O.S. workers, mentors, and volunteers that help process situations, solve problems, find housing and shelter, help fill out job applications, applying for ID's, and etc. Youth are also about to attend groups at "OZ"—such as Creative Writing, Substance Support, Healthy Relationships, Art Therapy, and S.O.S. Thursday Night Group.
WOMEN’S CRISIS CENTER - Each year the YWCA shelter houses hundreds of women and children. The YWCA provides safe/confidential housing, basic needs, advocacy, crisis and supportive counseling, domestic violence education, parenting, support groups, agency referrals, and a children’s program. We accept donations of the following: toiletries, kitchen and bath towels, crib, twin, and full size bedding, day planners and journals, pain relievers, allergy/cold medications, first aid supplies, Kleenex and paper towels, and children, young adult, and women’s clothing.
Items we are no longer able to accept include:
Ink cartridges
Plastic bags from newspapers
Used devotionals
Used electronic equipment