Monthly Book Club - Meets the First Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.


APRIL 2 | The Enlightenment of Bees | By: Rachel Linden | 328 pgs | $5.00 | Mia's life is planned out and on schedule---until her boyfriend leaves her! Adrift and in search of meaning, she joins vivacious pal Rosie on an around-the-world humanitarian trip funded by a billionaire recluse. With eclectic travel mates, they trek from the slums of Mumbai to a Hungarian border camp. Will Mia embrace this new vision she has encountered?

MAY 7 | Becoming Mama: How I Found Hope in Haiti's Rubble | By: Yvrose Telfort Ismael, Craig Borlase | 222 pgs | $2.00 | Why would a wealthy professional woman choose to leave the comfort of her North Carolina home and take responsibility for an impoverished school on a remote mountain in Haiti? For Ismael, it was a matter of saying "yes" to God. Learn how a catastrophic earthquake made her "Mama" to 37 children---and how God faithfully provided!


SEPTEMBER 3 | Swimming for Freedom: A True Story of Hope, Faith, and Victory | By: Tera Bradham | 256 pgs | $2.00 Swimming for Freedom tells the story of Tera Bradham's unconventional comeback and shows that through God, all things are possible. What started as an Olympic dream ended in her true miracle: the freedom of a life in Christ. Tera's story will inspire you to rise up, dream again, and fight for his calling on your life.

OCTOBER 1 | Hard Way Home: A Woman's Inspiring Battle with Cancer and the Lives She Touched | By: Amy Nappa, Mike Nappa | 256 pgs | $1.00 | Experience Amy's courageous journey into her Savior's waiting arms! After her cancer diagnosis, the Nappas started a small Facebook group to keep loved ones informed. It grew to include hundreds---with thousands more reading about Amy daily on social media. Now Mike wants to share their poignant but hopeful love story with you.

NOVEMBER 5 | I Was Hungry: Cultivating Common Ground to End an American Crisis | by Jeremy K. Everett | 208 pgs | $1.00 Hunger is one of the most significant issues in America. One in eight Americans struggles with hunger, and more than thirteen million children live in food insecure homes. As Christians we are called to address the suffering of the hungry and poor: "For I was hungry, and you gave me food . . ." (Matthew 25:35). However, the problems of hunger and poverty are too large and too complex for any one of us to resolve individually. I Was Hungry offers not only an assessment of the current crisis but also a strategy for addressing it. Jeremy Everett, a noted advocate for the hungry and poor, calls Christians to work intentionally across ideological divides to build trust with one another and impoverished communities and effectively end America's hunger crisis. Everett, appointed by US Congress to the National Commission on Hunger, founded and directs the Texas Hunger Initiative, a successful ministry that is helping to eradicate hunger in Texas and around the globe. Everett details the organization's history and tells stories of its work with communities from West Texas to Washington, DC, helping Christians of all political persuasions understand how they can work together to truly make a difference.

DECEMBER 5 | The Grumble-Free Year: Twelve Months, Eleven Family Members and One Impossible Goal | By: Tricia Goyer | 224 pgs | $3.00 | In The Grumble-Free Year, Tricia Goyer offers readers a front row seat to how her large family of eleven tackles going complaint-free and developing hearts of gratitude for a year. Join her on her journey and discover a healthier, more thankful approach to life. The book includes doable action steps based in scripture, a Grumble-Free Challenge assessment tool, and discussion questions.